Mother's Day Special: 5 Effective Ways to Cope With Mommy Stress | Herbal Goodness

Motherhood is a full-time job with no off days. A mom is a friend, a therapist, a healer, a defender and in some cases a breadwinner. The list is endless. Whether you are a stay-at-home mom, a high-powered executive mother, or somewhere in the middle, your life is bound to have stressful moments. The modern woman who strives to be so much more has it even tougher as she tries to strike a balance between being a mom who is present for all her family's needs and reaching the peak of her career (if she wants one).

Some Modern women however choose actively to still be stay-at-home dedicating their life and time to raising an amazing family. With all these worries, finding some "zen" can be a real challenge. Learning to manage stress is, however, an essential part of parenting. Stress affects maternal health, which in turn affects the child and family. In addition, how a mother manages stress is often a model for the rest of the family.¹ Don't get it wrong, motherhood can be stressful. While the position brings with it some of the best perks you can imagine, the fun, the growth, and the love, it can also include a fair amount of work, frustration, and strain. 70 percent of U.S. moms say mothering is “incredibly stressful.” And 96 percent also feel that we are far more stressed than our mothers were.

Herbal Goodness recognizes the role modern mothers play in keeping their families and societies on track and celebrates mothers all over the world today. We have put together this list of ways to cope with the stress and challenges that come with the role. A mom with a smile is a supermom and a happy mom makes an even happier home.

5 Effective Ways to Cope With Mummy Stress

  • Switch up your diet: What you sip can affect your stress in both good and bad ways. A steamy mug of herbal tea boosts health benefits even beyond its already antioxidant-packed contents.  Calming effects and benefits of having a hot mug of herbal tea can't be glossed over, it is also a great way to decompress. A recent British study found that people who started drinking tea had lower levels of cortisol after six weeks compared to those who consumed a placebo beverage.² A great recommendation would be the herbal Goodness Guava leaf tea. Also, a lot of moms rely on coffee for those short bursts of energy and vitality. However, that's an unhealthy choice for both our heart and mental health. Switch things up by going for natural, herbal energy sources such as the Herbal Goodness Guayusa leaf tea.
  • Identify your stressors: As a working mom or stay-at-home mom or even a mom who works from home, several things work together to build stress within and around us. Finding out what those stress builders tend to be very helpful. It is a first step in avoiding and coping with stressful situations. It could be a time of the day or an activity or even a behavior from your kids, friends, or colleagues. Find a simple way to curb the friction during that “hot” time. For instance: If mornings are stressful because your kid can’t decide (or find) what to wear: lay clothes out the night before. If your carpool is frantic because you can’t find your keys, make an extra set.³  Learning to identify how you react to stress will help you curb your overload mode. Common stress signs include rising blood pressure or spiked heart rate, speaking louder or yelling, irritability, more impatience, or experiencing lapses in judgment. Imagine how those behaviors affect your kids. Tune in to your body until you identify your warning signs. You may not be able to avoid all the stress, but you can get away for just a few minutes to feel less overwhelmed. And even when you can't get away, try monitoring your breathing. Taking long, deep breaths can help you feel even more centered.
  • Find the Funny: The first step to this is having an optimistic outlook on your day-to-day activities. Look for avenues to create rib-cracking stories with the weird things your kids get up to. Being optimistic helps reduce the negative toll stress hormones take on your body. Finding the comedic side to things can help you laugh it off and alleviate stress. You could thumb through old college photos or videos of your pregnancy and baby's growth, those are bound to leave you smiling and brimming with gratitude for how far you have come.
  • Make Out Time to Exercise: Exercise keeps stress at bay whether it’s walking, bike riding, swimming, playing basketball, or something else. Exercise is a known stress-reducer: It releases endorphins, those feel-good brain chemicals. The trick is finding the type you enjoy. Best yet, find a strategy to do with your kids so everyone benefits. Physically, the act of walking is very rhythmic and repetitive. That alone has a soothing effect for you and your kids.
  • Take Timeouts: Being a mom is a full-time job but that doesn't mean you can't take breaks or feel guilty about taking those breaks. If you don't give yourself a breather, no one will. It is also important to remember that a happy mom makes a happy home. Stick to a standing date three or four times a week, whether it's lunch with friends or a class at the gym or just kicking back with a book on the patio. Know what helps you relax and do it. Expecting perfection from yourself at all times is just not realistic. Cut yourself some slack when necessary.

Being a mom doesn't have to be all work and no fun. Most moms tend to give so much of themselves that they forget to refill and inevitably run out. Take time off to spend time with yourself, when was the last time your thoughts were about your welfare? Letting stress be a big part of your motherhood journey will leave you running on fumes, always tired, and missing out on memorable moments. So, dear mom, from this mother's day, be intentional about moments and memories with your loved ones. No more droning through days and experiences, live fully!

Look through our amazing tea collection for your quiet time and off sessions. Bask in the yummy goodness that our teas contain. Be wrapped up in yourself for a few minutes, blanketed by the warmth from a delightful cup of tea made from our collection, and feel even more centered.

Related: Busy Mum Recipes: Healthy Quick Ready-To-Eat Recipes | Herbal Goodness


  1. Motherhood and Stress Relief. Accessed on March 1, 2018
  2. Stressed? 28 Ways to Unwind—By Tonight By Lauren Wiener. Accessed on October 24, 2007
  3. 7 tricks to help stressed moms chill out. Accessed on January 26, 2012