Guava Leaf Tea Benefits for Human Health | Herbal Goodness
Guava is a tropical fruit, native to the northern parts of South America, Mexico and India. Guava leaves are most popular in Subcontinent, where they are used for promoting health. The leaves are used to support heart health, joint health, immune system as well as the digestive system. The guava leaf benefits are numerous as they are also used to support healthy blood pressure levels.
Guava leaves contain various vitamins and nutrients that are highly valuable and effective for overall human health. Guava leaves tea is a very good immunity boost and has excellent health benefits.
Various medicinal uses of guava leaf tea:
Guava leaves are utilized to make tea. It is a rich herbal tea enjoyed by many individuals for its health advantages. Some like to ingest it as a tea while some others prepare decoction or powder of guava leaves.
Guava leaves are a great support for maintaining a healthy weight as they have diuretic properties. It means that they increase the amount of urine excreted by our bodies. This way they can flush excess water out of our body which may lead to maintaining a healthy weight.
The guava leaf tea benefits are widely used in cooking to add a distinct flavor. These leaves have health properties that have been used for centuries by the inhabitants of the Subcontinent and other tropical regions. Some of their useful properties include:
- They can be used as an excellent support for the urinary, digestive and respiratory system.
- Guava leaves provide a great support for skin appearance and health.
- It is also used in the treatment of heart diseases, especially cardiac pain.
- These leaves are one of the best sources of iron, calcium, magnesium and vitamin C.

Is it safe to use a guava leaf tea for maintaining healthy weight?
Guava leaves are not only used for making tea, but also for supporting health. They are rich in antioxidants, which help to remove free radicals from the body.
The leaves contain large amounts of oxalic acid and calcium oxalate which can strengthen the human body when you are on a strict diet plan. These will help you to gain sufficient strength without taking heavy meals. If you are curious about guava leaf tea benefits, you should give it a try.
If you want to maintain healthy weight, you must be able to watch your appetite and cravings. Guava tea has been used in many cultures as a natural appetite suppressant.
Is it safe to use guava leaf tea during the pregnancy period?
The guava leaves contain vitamins A, B and C, calcium, potassium and iron. The leaves are used to enhance the color of skin, hair and nails. It is a known fact that pregnant women should avoid alcohol and some other harmful substances, but the question is whether it is safe to drink guava leaf tea during the pregnancy period and what will be the guava leaf tea benefits when it will be taken in this duration.

According to studies conducted by researchers at Temple University Hospital, Philadelphia, PA., USA found that guava leaf tea can be safely consumed during pregnancy as it contains no side effects on the mother or baby. It may provide benefits to expectant mothers with its antioxidant properties.
Related: Why Do Most People Prefer to Use Guava Leaf Tea Bags? | Herbal Goodness
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